
Discover the various schedulers available for image generation.

What schedulers do

Schedulers are algorithms that control the progression of the denoising process in generative models. When generating an image, the model starts with random noise and progressively refines this noise into a coherent image. The scheduler dictates how the noise reduction happens over each iteration, impacting the quality, speed, and style of the generated image.

Supported schedulers

Although the scheduler parameter is optional (the model's own scheduler is used by default), you can specify a different scheduler from the following table.

SchedulerFriendly nameDescription
DefaultDepends on modelThe default scheduler used by the Stable Diffusion model.
DDIMSchedulerDDIMAccelerates denoising with fewer steps, maintaining high quality.
DDIMInverseSchedulerDDIM InverseInverse version of DDIM for backward processes.
DDPMSchedulerDDPMStandard scheduler following the original diffusion process.
DEISMultistepSchedulerDEIS MultistepEfficient denoising with multiple steps for improved quality.
DPMSolverSinglestepSchedulerDPM-Solver Single-stepSingle-step solver for direct denoising efficiency.
DPMSolverMultistepSchedulerDPM-Solver Multi-stepMulti-step solver enhancing denoising accuracy and stability.
DPMSolverMultistepInverseDPM-Solver Multi-step InverseInverse multi-step solver for reverse processes.
DPMSolverSDESchedulerDPM-Solver SDECombines solver techniques with SDE for efficient denoising.
HeunDiscreteSchedulerHeunUses Heun's method for precise and efficient denoising.
KDPM2DiscreteSchedulerKDPM2Second-order scheduler for refined noise reduction.
KDPM2AncestralDiscreteSchedulerKDPM2 AncestralSecond-order scheduler incorporating ancestral sampling.
KarrasVeSchedulerKarras VEVariance-exploding scheduler by Karras for quality improvement.
LMSDiscreteSchedulerLMSLinear multistep method for balanced speed and quality.
PNDMSchedulerPNDMCombines numerical methods with diffusion for effective denoising.
ScoreSdeVeSchedulerScore SDE VEScore-based variance-exploding scheduler for quality images.
ScoreSdeVpSchedulerScore SDE VPScore-based variance-preserving scheduler for stable results.
IPNDMSchedulerIPNDMImproved pseudo numerical methods for efficient diffusion.
EulerDiscreteSchedulerEulerUtilizes Euler's method for simple and effective denoising.
EulerAncestralDiscreteSchedulerEuler AncestralEuler's method with ancestral sampling for better quality.
EDMEulerSchedulerEDM EulerEnhanced denoising with modifications to the Euler method.
FlowMatchEulerDiscreteSchedulerFlowMatch EulerFlow matching techniques combined with Euler's method for precision.
VQDiffusionSchedulerVQ DiffusionVector quantization-based scheduler for high-fidelity images.
UniPCMultistepSchedulerUniPC MultistepUniversal multi-step scheduler for diverse applications.
RePaintSchedulerRePaintFocuses on repainting and refining image details during denoising.
DPM++ 2M KarrasDPM++ 2M KarrasAdvanced Karras scheduler with second-order method.
DPM++ 2M SDE KarrasDPM++ 2M SDE KarrasCombines second-order and SDE techniques for superior denoising.
DPM++ 2M SDEDPM++ 2M SDESecond-order scheduler with SDE for robust image generation.
DPM++ SDE KarrasDPM++ SDE KarrasKarras method integrated with SDE for optimal denoising.
DPM++ SDEDPM++ SDEStochastic differential equations-based scheduler for high-quality images.
LCMSchedulerLCMLow-complexity scheduler designed for efficient denoising with minimal computational resources.
EDMDPMSolverMultistepSchedulerEDM DPM-Solver Multi-stepEDM-enhanced multi-step solver for precision and quality.
TCDSchedulerTCDTime-continuous diffusion scheduler for smooth denoising processes.